Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well.... I've gone and done it now. Trying out a new venue..... Etsy. I have become the GourdFairie. Like I needed another name!

We've always called a section of the back field "the fairy garden" because every time it rains hard we can walk (or now ride in the golf cart) back there and see area after area with small crystals sticking up on top of the dirt. Since this area has been plowed a bunch most of them are missing the sharp point, but fairies don't mind. I think this may be where I caught fairy fever. All those gourd houses I made with windows & doors & opening roofs finally make sense! They are now Fairy Cottages. I hope to get more listed in the near future, like tomorrow. I'm making some wee ones without windows and some really large ones with the fronts open and the cutout design attached to the outside. The largest is a two story playhouse cottage. Hard to describe, but I need to take some pictures anyway. Oh well, need to go take care of the hot glue finger blisters and try to catch some of the gymnastics and swimming at the Olympics.

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